Installing optipuls


The optipuls package is not a click-to-run software. While this documentation covers the main points for a quick start, it remains an expert oriented system. Some knowledge of the linux command line, docker, and python programming language is required.


To run simulations and solve optimization problems, optipuls requires a working FEniCS installation. Python packages numpy, scipy and matplotlib must be already installed as FEniCS’ dependencies.

Notice, that installing FEniCS with its dependencies might be difficult on systems other than Debian or Ubuntu, which are the ones [officially supported][fenics/installation/ubuntu] by FEniCS developers. Therefore, it is recommended to use optipuls in a docker container using [optipulsproject/optipuls] docker image which is built on top of [fenicsproject/stable] docker image. Please refer to the section below.

Installing optipuls on the host system

Provided FEniCS is correctly deployed on the host system, optipuls can be simply installed via pip.

Creating a Python virtual environment and switching to it (optional):

python3 -m venv optipulsenv
source optipulsenv/bin/activate

Installing optipuls:

python3 -m pip install git+

Running optipuls in a docker container

The optipuls python package is based on the free and open-source FEniCS computing platform for solving partial differential equations (PDEs). The FEniCS project ships with its official docker images.

In view of this, the optipuls python package comes in a bundle with the official optipuls docker images available at

Getting the OptiPuls docker image on a system with docker software installed is as simple as:

$ docker pull optipulsproject/optipuls:latest
latest: Pulling from optipulsproject/optipuls
Digest: sha256:89015703048a0ad76d0a11880f763e20bbe8cb8903db977b785b702c432e22df
Status: Downloaded newer image for optipulsproject/optipuls:latest


ParaView is recommended to inspect the simulation output and Gmsh is needed to view .MSH files.